The success of this venture into providing high quality, cost-free books on the internet to a global audience ultimately depends on the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is constituted by a stellar group of scholars and practitioners from around the world. We can all take pride in the accomplishments of this group. All are Associates of the Taos Institute.
The primary responsibilities of the Editorial Board are three-fold:
1. To be on the alert for potential manuscripts, and to encourage potential authors and/or editors to take advantage of our WorldShare program.
2. To evaluate the quality and promise of potential proposals. This may include helping the potential author or editor in shaping the work for publication. The Board Member’s critical and creative evaluation is most important, as the significance of WorldShare will depend on the quality of the offerings. We must avoid becoming a repository for just anything an author wants to share.
3. Once a contract has been signed with the author or editor, it is the responsibility of the Editorial Board member to ensure the manuscript is properly prepared for publication. This will require care. For example, final manuscripts can be marred by poor grammar, spelling or punctuation. Books that have been translated may be especially in need. You should not feel responsible for making such corrections. If, after scanning the final manuscript, you see such difficulties, you should feel free to return it to the author or editor asking him/her to make the corrections. You may even request that he/she secure the services of a professional editor or independent reader (of which the author/editor is responsible for any costs incurred.)
WorldShare Books is technically a subsidiary of Taos Institute Publications, and it will be useful for you to scan the TIP website for a more complete understanding of the organizational context in which we are functioning ( All Taos Institute publications now fall into one of three main categories, and for convenience it is useful to consider any WorldShare submissions in terms of one of these categories: